Thrive Through the Holidaze

6 Weeks to feeling less stressed and more connected

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Imagine you are on your way to visit relatives (or getting ready to welcome them into your home) for Thanksgiving and the holidays. 


Decorations are up, the smell of holiday food is in the air, and joy is all around you. 


Or is it?!


Maybe instead of JOY you feel:

  •  Anxiety thinking of what your mother/aunt/relative could possibly comment on this time - will it be your appearance, the food you spent hours to prepare, your relationship status, or children (or lack of them)?
  • Stress with all of the coordination, logistics, and planning you have to handle by yourself YET again 
  • Fear that you'll have to mitigate another disastrous conversation between your parents & spouse, that drunk uncle, or even an angry sibling 
  • Depression or Grief, facing a traumatic family situation - whether someone passed away this year, a loved one is struggling with illness, or you've had a personal challenge no one knows about


So often we have a MAJOR disconnect between our ideal holiday experience and the reality of it. 


We've been sold this idea that it has to be PINTEREST worthy or it doesn't cut it. 



What if I told you it's possible to feel that fun, excitement and ease that you may have experienced as a kid?


That time when every gift was a beautiful surprise. That time when you LOVED seeing your family and catching up with cousins, playing with new toys and sharing in traditions.


BUT, here's the kicker -> holiday joy has NOTHING to do with the gifts you get, the food you make, the cookies you bake, or the people at the table. And it has everything to do with YOU


Do YOU want to feel joyous and care free?


Do YOU want to feel accepted and celebrated?


Do YOU want to feel welcoming to family?


Do YOU want to feel connected and appreciated?


If you said "YES!!" you're in the right place. 


Those are just A FRACTION of the benefits of the Thrive Through the Holidaze 6-week online program.



This program is for you if you want to:

  • Feel comfortable connecting with ANY family member(s) -especially the ones you might not see eye to eye with
  • Have a sense of ease floating through the logistics of planning and executing dinners, parties, the perfect gifts, etc
  • Be your whole/authentic self around family without feeling judged (and even if someone judges you being able to not take it to heart)
  • Get back to the basis of the holidays -> connection and celebration.


From Nov 27-Jan 8, 2018 we'll create new possibilities for compassionate love and connection for you and set you up for an AMAZINGLY connected 2018.


You might be thinking to yourself - You're so right, the holidays STRESS me, WHY would I want to add anything else to my plate?


Because I'm going to give you the exact POWERFUL communication tools to use in those stressful conversations RIGHT AWAY, so you have them through the whole holiday season.


I'm a true believer that positive change happens through action, so the less time you have between learning and practice is key. 


I want you to SEE and FEEL the transformation between Thanksgiving and the New Year.


By signing up, you'll receive:

  • Weekly group video coaching calls to discuss that week's topic
  • Two 1:1 coaching calls with me where we'll get crystal clear on YOUR specific action steps to create more connection and ease during the holidays
  • Unlimited access to the Thrive Through the Holidaze Secret FB Group where you can ask me ANY questions about course material, how you're feeling, or how to handle that call you just got from your family member changing up the holiday plans


In the group calls and in the FB Group, this is what will be covered each week:

Week 1/Nov 27: Curiosity (&trust)

  • Get present with and explore the challenges that face you during this time (uncover patterns and deep beliefs that resurface to finally release them)

  • Discussion and practice with intentions behind how you engage with family members (are you demanding/controlling or open to get to know a different side of them)

Week 2/Dec 4: Gratitude

  • What does it mean to accept and forgive yourself and family? 
  • Experience the power of giving thanks and appreciation

Week 3/Dec 11: Communication

  • Become aware of and strengthen your ability to express your emotions and needs clearly, directly and with connection as the focus
  • Learn to be open to others for support during the holidays and use your language in a way that empowers them to take more ownership

Week 4/Dec 18: Vulnerability

  • Dive deeper and have more fun with your connection to YOU and open to explore more emotions
  • Experience more aliveness and fluidity

Week 5/Dec 25: Compassion

  • Learn tips and tricks to cultivate more peace and ease when the pressure is on
  • Incorporate and double down on positive-self talk

Week 6/Jan 1: Celebration & Renewal

  • Revel and rejoice in the journey you just took
  • Time to relax, release, connect, breathe, and feel rejuvenated

Investment for the extra support during the holidays is $1,800 USD (pay in full upfront).

Payment plan is available upon request by scheduling a call with me here.


I look forward to supporting you through this program and if you have any questions email me at



If you're sure you want this year to be different than any other in the best possible way, sign up below!

Thrive Through the Holidaze LIVE Online Course
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